Thursday, February 21, 2013


When I was about 15 or 16, still in school and trying to decide what to study in college, and what I wanted to do with my life, I had two very clear concepts that remained with me and which continue to colour my view of the future.

The first was that in contrast to the thinking at the time in the late 70s and early 80s which said that technology would lead to a shift for mankind towards shorter working hours, more leisure time and a more utopian lifestyle for us all, I came to a conclusion that I would probably never be in a position to retire - I would work until the end of my life.

The second thought that crystallised for me was that in addition to the paradox that an ever-increasing acceleration in the power and performance of technology would lead to a faster and faster pace of life, rather than a gain in leisure time, more and more people would find it more and more difficult to live at that higher pace.

I began to make the statement back then that suicide would be the greatest killer in the 21st century, and that technology would be the root if it.

Thirty years later and my two premonitions of the future have not been revised as to their eventuality, but have been reviewed in their causes and the processes that will - and are - leading to them.

I thought that I would not be able to retire because there would be no such thing as pensions.  There was no logical, sequential reasoning behind this idea - I didn't work out why this would be - I just believed that it would be.

The morbid idea that suicide would be hugely prevalent and a major, if not the major, cause of death was similarly not really based on some philosophical cognitive reasoning process ... it was just a thought.  But a very clear and very strong one.  I thought that with increased technological advances, the pace of life would outstrip our ability to manage it.  In fact we have proven to be very capable of adapting to the faster pace of life.  The improvements in mobile communications and computer speed and functionality took our daily lives from third gear straight to sixth in a flash, but we easily mastered the change and have learned to live at a frantic pace.

Today I am approaching 50.  I have been married and divorced. I have three beautiful children.  I have good friends and family and generally I enjoy life.

But while my youthful imaginings might seem to have been unfounded, the world at 50 has materialised just as I imagined.  And it wasn't technology that was at the core of this - it was man himself.  More correctly it was greedy men : politicians, bankers, mega-industrialists.

Just today (Feb 21 2013) in the UK, the government have extended the age limit for college fee grants and told pensioners that over 60s will have to go back to college to keep up date with their skills in order to remain in employment for longer before retirement.  Government wants to work us to death because they need our tax revenue to pay the bankers that keep them in power and keep the system in place.

Pension funds have been wiped out for generations of honest hard-working men and women.  Today families struggle to get to the end of the week with food on the table ... that is the extent of their future horizon.  One week.  Seven Days.

Home owners are being evicted across Europe by banks who have no conscience when it comes to money.  In Spain, evicted citizens have been committing suicide in desperation.  In France a citizen set themselves on fire in an employment agency office.  In Ireland, Shane McEntee - a member of government - committed suicide just before Christmas 2012.  The government have officially blamed the people through social media when in fact the truth is very different.

So my two premonitions - thirty years later - are coming true.

What went wrong?

The system.

For Ireland in particular, Colm O'Gorman of Amnesty International stated it really well on Newstalk radio in a conversation about the governments apology to brutally exploited women in the infamous Magdalene Laundries :

“Enda Kenny talked about our almost ridiculous self portrait of ourselves as a God-fearing, good nation.
I’d even question that idea of Ireland as a nation. I don’t think we’ve ever been a nation. We kind of fell out of colonialism into independence and thought that, sure we’re a republic now, everything will be grand.
We’re a good, God-fearing Catholic republic, we’ll be fine, well we weren’t fine. We’d never operated as a nation. We’ve never made that decision, to come together collectively around a set of common values that reflected who we would be.
We’ve never had a discussion about the role of the state in a meaningful way here. We’ve never had a conversation about were our human rights central to our values and if they are, how do we provide for them and what is the role of the state in doing that?
We need to have that conversation. It’s 2013. We’ve failed abysmally in so many different areas and there’s no point in pretending that it didn’t happen and that we’re not now responsible for past failures.
I tell you when we become responsible for them, if we don’t learn from them and if we continue to perpetuate the same failures without changing, we’re as bad as everything that came before us.”
Our system of government, justice and social unity was destroyed when we were taken into the control of the crown.

From :

Ancient Ireland was home to one of the most forward-thinking systems of law of its time and possibly even today. There were no prisons, no police force and no government enforcement. The laws carried force by virtue of their morality and by the will of the people who respected and revered them. These laws were so pure in essence, and with such a strong focus on justice, fairness and equality, that mechanisms of enforcement were not necessary. They allowed for divorce and respected the rights of women and they were the first body of law to recognise copyright.
 Once Ireland was ruled by the crown, the crown system of corporate law and governance became our system.

The Oireachtas was set up by King George V and granted authority by the crown to administer government in Ireland in 1922.  Having already TAKEN our State back from the crown and establishing a sovereign government under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of Saorstat na hEireann in 1919, the English crown had NO authority to grant us anything, least of all our status as a free country.

When the Oireachtas was set up the people once again became subjects under the crown and the system of government and judiciary was taken directly from the crown. The Irish people have NEVER been allowed to choose their own system of government, their own system of justice, and live on their own terms. In 1972 the Oireachtas first stepped onto the path of subservience to an even more terrifying power - the incestuous and immoral structure that has become the EU under banking control.

We need to find a way back.  Back to our true selves.  To the nation we were before Cromwell.  To a nation of sovereign royalty .. . but not a monarchy of fear and oppression .... a democracy of justice, truth, community, family, equity.

We were once a nation of Tribes, of Chieftains, of Warrior Heroes : In our heritage we have more in common with the Indian Nations of North America than the Feudal Kingdoms of Europe...Red Skins and Red Necks ....

Today I see my teenage premonitions coming true, but I also have new premonitions.  Hopeful ones.  I believe there is a new age coming and there is a possibility that my children will inherit a better future and a better world than we did.

And out of this perception I have a new mantra for myself :

If I can ... I will 

If I can help my family - I will
If I can help my friends - I will
If I can help my country - I will
..... why wouldn't I?

That is my antidote to the BRAVE NEW WORLD ORDER philosophy which governs everything in the 21st Century.....

the philosophy that offers you a choice for living in the 21st Century

you can work til you die
you can kill yourself

Monday, February 18, 2013

Meet the NEW BOSS....same as the OLD BOSS....!!!

It doesn't matter who is "in government" .... the real power is with the "civil servants" (SERVANTS ME ARSE) ... these are the faceless people who propose and implement policy through the PUPPET OIREACHTAS.

They prepare all legislation, spin the stories, falsify all the statistics and arguments for their policies, and reap the rewards in salaries, expenses and pensions ...... and there are probably hundreds more of these parasites than the 166 in Dail Eireann.


We don't need any more political parties ...... I mean let's face it .... WE CAN'T AFFORD ANY MORE PARTIES!! LOL

You can't save a barrel of rotten apples by throwing in a few good ones.........


"Land Grab" ...... how about PLANET GRAB!!!

When water becomes a revenue generating service the government will not be allowed to hold a monopoly under EU law .... therefore they will have to allow competition or put the service to tender in a privatisation deal .... remember ESAT Digifone??? Whoever the Minister for Water is at this point will get a hefty brown envelope for his signature on any deal. Michael lowry (Tipperary North) signed esat deal. Phil Hogan (Carlow-Kilkenny) will sign a water deal. 
Do you trust Phil Hogan more than you trust Michael Lowry? Denis O'Brien also owns Newstalk, Today FM, Dublin's 98 (formerly 98FM), Spin 1038 and Spin South West. 
Pat Rabbitte says reports that SiteServ has won the tender to install water meters in Irish homes are incorrect.
Denis O'Brien is a BILDERBERG attendee. The Head of the Royal families of Europe and "top table" member is Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands. She abdicated her crown just a few days before the Pope announced his resignation. Her son will succeed her on the throne. His main area of "interest" is ........ WATER. 



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Open Letter to Garda Commissioner Callinan

Dear Garda Commissioner

I would assume that at this time you have been made aware of the matter of Michael Noonan TD confessing on national radio to conducting illegal activity in his role as Minister for Finance.

As of today February 12th I have not heard any media reports or official statements from your office to the effect that an investigation has been launched into this criminal activity.

In case you have received no prior communication on this matter, may I take this opportunity of formally reporting a crime to the Garda Siochana.

A transcript of the confession which took place on the Pat Kenny Show I believe on Friday February 8th.  While there are numerous audio clips available on the internet  I'm sure you would prefer to ask RTE to provide a copy of the interview to ensure there has been no tampering.

In brief, here is the section containing Minister Noonan's confession of illegal activity:

Pat Kenny: “So what changed? Why did the ECB then change it’s mind about the whole principle of this which, I think, was described as, Philip Boucher Hayes reported from Frankfurt, or he was talking to people in Frankfurt. They described it as barely legal.” Michael Noonan: ”Well I don’t think that’s right you see. The legal people would say that the existing promissory note arrangement was totally contrary to…”
Kenny: “Illegal?”
Noonan: “Totally, you know.”
[Kenny laughs]
Noonan: “So any, I mean my argument all the time was…”
Kenny: “So it’s an improvement in its legality?”
Noonan: “Yeah. I mean people, some of the bank people were saying to me was ‘look what you’re saying is illegal’. I said, or I used to say to them, well it’s an awful lot more legal than what you agreed three years ago.”
Noonan laughs.
Kenny: “Last night [unintelligible] on RTÉ Radio said, from America, she was talking, she said it’s amazing how many things in the EU, or the Eurozone that are illegal until someone does them and then they become OK.”
Noonan: “Yeah, there’s a touch of that about it.”

A link is also provided here:
Commissioner, please can you have your press office issue a statement confirming to the people of Ireland that this confession of criminal activity is being investigated.

Thank you.

Pol-Risteard:O Maidin

Emerald Fist Blog.

GARDA Ltd not meeting profit targets?

I have recently posted these questions on Garda facebook pages: "Campaign to restart Garda Recruitment" and "Hands Off Our Garda Services - No More Cuts".
1. Why is there a company registered with Dun & Bradstreet called “Garda Siochana” with a registered address at Phoenix Park Dublin?
2. What relation does the company “Garda Siochana” have to the Ministries in the Oireachtas for Defence, Justice, Equality, Law Reform, Department of the Taoiseach, Foreign Affairs?
3. The company “Garda Siochana” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office, the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. Why is this?
4. If the company “Garda Siochana” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
5. Does the company “Garda Siochana” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “Garda Siochana”?
6. Who are the registered owners and directors of the company “Garda Siochana”?
7. Are there any other shareholders in the company “Garda Siochana” and can you name them?
8. Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “Garda Siochana”?
9. On what date was the company “Garda Siochana” registered?

Is it possible that the company "Garda Siochana" is not meeting its profit targets and, like any company, is going through a cost cutting restructuring exercise in order to return to profitability?

If so, and the nature of the business of the company "Garda Siochana" is to act as Revenue Policy Officers for the corporate government and collect taxes, then isn't it likely that ONLY in the event of more and more tax, charge, and revenue legislation that recruitment will resume?



Sunday, February 10, 2013

High Finance for Dummies (that's us....)

These days more and and more people are beginning to understand the way the world "works".

It actually only "works" for those who know how it "works" and use this knowledge for their own ends.  For everyone else the world "works" against them.

Before banking and after bartering, the currency for trade was gold or other precious metals, stones,etc.

Because carrying heavy gold, silver, etc. was impractical and security for your gold was necessary, banks were created to safely store your gold and issue you with a receipt .... the first paper currency which proved your gold-worth and could be traded instead of the actual physical gold.

This was the beginning of the end.

Bankers realised they could use "their" stock of deposited gold - which never left their vaults - to issue paper for their depositors' gold and charge INTEREST for themselves for that "service"... even without the knowledge or consent of the real owners of the gold.

Not only that but the value of issued paper receipt/notes quickly exceeded the total value of the physical stock of gold.

The first paper currency actually stated on it that gold could be redeemed for the note.  So the PAPER actually had REAL VALUE.

With the exponential growth of paper currency and the further invention of CREDIT it was no longer possible (or truthful) for the paper to represent physical gold....and the bankers stopped putting that statement on their paper.

So if the paper wasn't worth anything REAL in the physical world what was it worth?

Nothing - but the trust that people had that the paper could be traded for goods and services was enough for it to have a perceived value and continue to be used to "pay" for those goods and services.

Furthermore, since the paper does not require any gold or other asset to back its value, it can simply be printed whenever it is needed.  And in the modern world it does not even need to be printed - it can simply be typed into a computer.

Need a loan?  Say one hundred million euro?

The lender simply creates a loan on a ledger or on a computer screen - essentially it is a virtual creation - which promises to pay interest in return for the issuance of the loan.  So not only is it a virtual loan, but it in turn creates even MORE-virtual interest money.

And what does this virtual money represent?  Simply the trust between the lender and the borrower that the latter will repay the loan to the former with interest.

Trust.  That is what is traded.  Not gold.  Just trust.

So if money doesn't really exist, what is "wealth".

Wealth, in this system, becomes the ability to increase your stock of non-existent money.

The next stage of the banking scam is to create financial instruments which do not simply trade on trust, but trade on future trust and the performance of lenders and borrowers to create future virtual wealth.

When countries had their own individual currencies, the value of the currency was directly related to the wealth ( the ability to generate more virtual trust-money) of the country ..... its economic productivity .... or more exactly the productivity of its workforce.

So speculators would trade financial instruments based on their predictions of how a country's economy would perform and the currency's value would rise and fall based on the demand for it as a traded commodity.

The attractiveness of a currency / country as somewhere to invest would therefore be based on the productivity of the workforce.

So what happens when countries surrender their individual currency and become part of a larger economic entity with a unified single currency?  How do the speculators trade between countries if the wealth of a country can not be reflected in the strength of its currency?  How do you measure the wealth of a country then?

Essentially the measurement is the same .... it is the productivity of the workforce.  The productivity of the workforce is its ability to create added virtual trust-money to its stock - its ability to create virtual profit.  Investors will rush to profitable opportunities, and with added productivity comes the opportunity for added tax income for the government.

So instead of trading individual currencies (betting on future wealth) between countries the speculators begin trading future government income.  And the governments supply this demand for future trust-wealth by issuing instruments - BONDS - which promise payment of collected tax income to the bearer.

And as long as the workforce have no idea that the government are selling their future productivity because they TRUST the government to be the working FOR the people, the country remains a safe bet for the speculators and investors .... and MORE credit of virtual money is added to the virtual money is added to the virtual money is added to the virtual money is added to the virtual money is added to the virtual money is added to the virtual money.

THAT is why Enda Kenny got the cover of TIME magazine. THAT is why Enda Kenny got the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.  THAT is why Enda Kenny was voted EUROPEAN OF THE YEAR......... because Irish people are HAPPY to accept austerity, HAPPY to pay whatever arbitrary nonsense taxes and charges the government can think of, HAPPY to continue to drink poisoned water which keeps them sedated, HAPPY to be informed by SKY NEWS and the State broadcaster, HAPPY to stay at home instead of take to the streets like every other EU population, HAPPY to let their corporate government sell off the country in return for nothing, HAPPY not to take an interest in politics or question the agenda of their government.  Every other head of state in Europe would LOVE to have compliant docile citizens like Ireland.  And every banker knows that as long as the country remains ignorant and sedated, then Ireland is a safe bet for investment .... because the people LOVE PAYING TAXES to foreign private corporations and the Irish government will PROTECT THEIR INVESTMENT.......

For the system to continue indefinitely and the virtual imaginary money to keep flowing, the workforce needs to constantly improve its productivity, to create trust-profit,. to willingly add more value for a smaller and smaller wage.

There are two potential outcomes for such a system.

The workforce becomes enslaved by their blind trust in the government and their dependence on their government masters to feed, house, clothe and take care of them......... or they eventually reach a point where the wage they receive for their productivity and the realisation of their exploitation, leads to revolution.

Welcome to Ireland 2013.

There are, however, alternative systems.

One is to revert to an individual gold-backed currency - a solution and mechanism I proposed earlier and validated in principle by Constantin Gurdgiev.

Another is to continue trading in the commodity already traded by us without realising it : TRUST

and I'm sure there are many more..........and now is the time to choose, because if we don't choose we will have the decision made for us......and it will be a perpetuation of the status quo.

At that point we will be slaves.

After that point the only choice will by revolution.

Choose now.

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Great Democracy Con

Recently I witnessed a Fine Gael representative state publicly that there is democracy in Ireland.

I think the democratic process is supposed to be very simple so I'll have a go at describing it.

In a democracy, all the people have a voice, a vote, a say in the governance of the country.

It is not practical to have every citizen participate in every decision, so candidates are nominated to represent the greater number.

Candidates standing for election to public office canvas for votes among the electorate.

They make an offer to trade their intentions in office (promises) in return for your vote.

You accept their offer and you vote for them.  You hand them your voice.

Sounds like a contract to me so I guess they fulfill the contract - right?

Contractually they are obliged to deliver on the terms of the contract.

But actually they do not deliver on the promises, placing them in breach of contract.

Moreover they deliver any number of alternative terms which were never part of the contract, therefore they have defrauded you out of your vote.

Their election manifesto of promises thus also becomes a misrepresentation of their part of the contract - they have falsely advertised their intentions.

They have conned you out of your vote - your voice - and the voice of the people is thus silenced.

Now they have your vote and 'represent' you in the Dail, I guess they vote the way their own local lobby (business) groups want - right?


They vote the way they themselves want to - right?


They are forced, by a system known as "the whip", to vote the way the party leader decides.

So having conned you out of your vote, forgotten the promises they made, all the power of the citizens is handed to the party leader to do with as he pleases and they justify their right to ignore their constituents, the common good, the moral imperative or any lawful reason by asserting that they "have a mandate from the electorate".


The voice of the people is controlled by "a whip"??!!?  And all power is held in the hands of a committee of maybe a dozen people .... or even ONE person (if the party leader is particularly strong)!!!

So the LEADER of the party in government - the Taoiseach - he acts in the interest of the people then?

You would think so.  But then the last two governments have acted explicitly to put private business interests ahead of the people of Ireland.



Isn't that COMMUNISM? can't be....we're a democracy right?

Yes of course.  Just keep telling yourself that......

Fine Gael, Labour and Fianna Fail have turned privately created debt between commercial banks and businesses into government backed financial instruments which will now be traded on the open markets ...... 

....and the financial sector, which engineered this mess with no loss to itself, will once again be able to generate profits ....this time on the taxes of Irish PAYE workers. 

 If that's not TREASON then I have no idea what is.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Silence of the Lambs you're asking what's the point in protesting? sure what can we do? I can't make a difference......

well let me ask you :
did you vote?

Good for you - you must be very happy.

Well guess what .....your voice is silenced once you handed it to a (FG/FF/Lab) TD because the TD who now represents you is FORCED to vote how the party leader decides ..... your "democratic" voice has been WHIPPED into obedient silence.

When I protest ..... NOBODY SILENCES ME!!!!!!!!!

So now, do you want to remain sheeple, silenced into slavery?  

Or do you want to ROAR LIKE A LION?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

have you EVER asked yourself what your values are..?

Here's an exercise for you ......

Place the following in order of importance to you......

your job
your home
your car
your cupboard
your security
your comfort
your children/nieces/nephews
your rights
your vote
your education
your religion
your friends
your government
your health
your favourite team
your favourite band
your local pub
your look
your parents/brothers/sisters
your extended family
your neighbours
your country
your public services (police/fire/hospital/transport)
your doctor
your holidays
your second/third home/car
your favourite tv show

If 'children' isn't number 1 on your list maybe you need to examine your values.....
If 'your rights' isn't number 2 you can't complain about government, finance, tax, corruption....
a single person can't change anything
EVERY single person can change EVERYTHING
an act of kindness or an act of protest ......... choose one...... but ACT!!!

"Ah know....I mean...what can you do? like..."

The Economic Crisis...........terrible mess isn't it?

Bet you complain a lot about it these days ...... the banks, Enda, Angela, Bertie...

Did you vote for the Amsterdam Treaty?'s all your fault.
Did you vote for the Nice Treaty? Well then it's your fault
Did you vote for Lisbon?  Well then it's all your fault.
Did you vote for the Fiscal Compact? Well then it's all your fault.
Did you understand or even read what you were voting for? It's your fault
Did you believe the government when they said it would be good for us? Your fault
Did you believe the bailout would be the cheapest in history? It's your fault
Did you think Fine Gael and Labour would undo the Fianna Fail mess? Your fault.
Do you complain about the government but never do anything? It's your fault
Do you only get the news from the mainstream media? It's your fault.
Did you laugh at Jim Corr when he tried to warn you bout this years ago? still laughing?
Do you know what the Party Whip is in politics? That's not your fault..they don't want you to know...
Do you understand Fractional Reserve Banking? ...well they don't want you to know
Do you know what the Bilderberg agenda is? ...they don't want you to know that either
Did you know that the Bush family financed the Nazi party? ...were you not listening in history class?  
Do you know what Fluoride does to the human body? .... maybe you should google it..
Do you know what date Ireland celebrates its Independence? hmmmm....
Do you know that until 1937, the Dail swore allegiance to the King of England?......
Do you know that until 1949 the King was Head of State for Ireland? .... aaahh..
Do you know what the Sovereign Seal is and what it's for? ... right.....

Did you know that "An Taoiseach" is a registered company?
Did you know that the "Government of Ireland" is a registered company?
Did you know that the "Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach" is a registered company?
I guess you know that the purpose of any company is to make money......?

Did you know that Dail Eireann has no authority to govern your country? ... bet you're worried now!

So .......who do you think governs your country?

I don't claim to know everything ... I've been asleep for most of my life too.

But I'm waking up now.....


Monday, February 4, 2013

...thinking on democracy...

I was contemplating the notion of democracy – something which is assumed by most people to be the political model of our country.
….you know the way in large corporations, with a large number of shareholders, the executive power is retained tightly under the control of the directors…..and you know the way that when annual general meetings are held to vote in the members of the board that any individual shareholder’s voice and vote counts for nothing in the overall scheme of things…… and you know how the shareholder may in fact nominate a proxy to represent them at the meeting……And that the nominated person may even use those votes in a way contrary to the ideals of the original owner ……… and that the votes of shareholders that aren’t present or who haven’t nominated a proxy are ‘commandeered’ by the board …… and you know the way that, most importantly of all, the board of directors’ first order of business is their own salaries…. And after that they actually don’t have ANY role to play in the day to day workings of the company……
Would it surprise you to know that in the register of Dun & Bradstreet, the ‘Government of Ireland’ is an incorporated entity…
...and isn't it strange the way that most of the TD's we have elected (given our proxy) to represent us at the shareholders' meetings are controlled by a whip...!?
Fine word .... But what do we mean by it?

The Emerald Fist

The Emerald Fist