Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Open Letter to Garda Commissioner Callinan

Dear Garda Commissioner

I would assume that at this time you have been made aware of the matter of Michael Noonan TD confessing on national radio to conducting illegal activity in his role as Minister for Finance.

As of today February 12th I have not heard any media reports or official statements from your office to the effect that an investigation has been launched into this criminal activity.

In case you have received no prior communication on this matter, may I take this opportunity of formally reporting a crime to the Garda Siochana.

A transcript of the confession which took place on the Pat Kenny Show I believe on Friday February 8th.  While there are numerous audio clips available on the internet  I'm sure you would prefer to ask RTE to provide a copy of the interview to ensure there has been no tampering.

In brief, here is the section containing Minister Noonan's confession of illegal activity:

Pat Kenny: “So what changed? Why did the ECB then change it’s mind about the whole principle of this which, I think, was described as, Philip Boucher Hayes reported from Frankfurt, or he was talking to people in Frankfurt. They described it as barely legal.” Michael Noonan: ”Well I don’t think that’s right you see. The legal people would say that the existing promissory note arrangement was totally contrary to…”
Kenny: “Illegal?”
Noonan: “Totally, you know.”
[Kenny laughs]
Noonan: “So any, I mean my argument all the time was…”
Kenny: “So it’s an improvement in its legality?”
Noonan: “Yeah. I mean people, some of the bank people were saying to me was ‘look what you’re saying is illegal’. I said, or I used to say to them, well it’s an awful lot more legal than what you agreed three years ago.”
Noonan laughs.
Kenny: “Last night [unintelligible] on RTÉ Radio said, from America, she was talking, she said it’s amazing how many things in the EU, or the Eurozone that are illegal until someone does them and then they become OK.”
Noonan: “Yeah, there’s a touch of that about it.”

A link is also provided here: http://www.broadsheet.ie/2013/02/09/theres-a-touch-of-that-about-it/
Commissioner, please can you have your press office issue a statement confirming to the people of Ireland that this confession of criminal activity is being investigated.

Thank you.

Pol-Risteard:O Maidin

Emerald Fist Blog.

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