Thursday, January 31, 2013

Irish Citizens Right to Question the Promissory Note

 letter to the Irish Times Jan 31 2013
The action taken by Mr David Hall in relation to the Promissory Note, if we agree it to be unanimously supported by the citizens of this country, should have the support of the Court in so far as said court has a duty of care to the Irish people in all matters resulting from the actions of the Oireachtas.
Every citizen has a 'right' to ask questions of the Oireachtas and to make a stand against an action with which he/she deems unjust. The judiciary can not arbitrarily remove that right.
Politics is not an activity separate to the people; it involves them most directly. Mr Hall is a stakeholder in the political and civil affairs that affect him, as are the rest of the people. 
I believe the Oireachtas has indeed the authority to use financial instruments to raise finance to pay for public services and any costs which are GENERATED BY and can be CHARGED BACK TO the citizens. That is called running the country.
Whether or not the Minister has adhered to the procedures stated in Article 21 of the Constitution in relation to Money Bills, he has not acted in the interest of the people. The promissory note is without question a device arising from the financial burden 'volunteered' on the Irish people by the Oireachtas and used to impose unlawful taxes in favour of private business interests located outside this State.
..... You don't go to the race track and bet a million Euro on a horse and when it hobbles in last tell the guy standing next to you he owes you a million Euro!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letter to An Taoiseach, the Department of the Taoiseach and the Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach


An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD
Department of the Taoiseach
Government Buildings
Upper Merrion St
Dublin 2

22 January 2013

I, __________________________, a sovereign citizen of Eire, would be grateful to have the following information in relation to matters which may be of interest to the citizens of this State.
Dun & Bradstreet is a public company headquartered in New Jersey, USA that licenses information on businesses and corporations for use in credit decisions, business-to-business marketing and supply chain management.  The company maintains information on more than 205 million companies worldwide. 
Please can you clarify in as clear and comprehensive manner as possible the issues raised in the following questions:
1.      Can you explain why there are companies registered with Dun & Bradstreet using the titles of Public Offices of this State?
2.      Why is there a company registered with Dun & Bradstreet called “An Taoiseach” with a registered address at Hawthorn Avenue, Castlebar, Co Mayo.  
3.      What relation does the company “An Taoiseach” have to the office of Taoiseach in this State?
4.      What relation does the company “An Taoiseach” have to Enda Kenny TD?
5.      Why is the registered address of the company “An Taoiseach” the same address as Enda Kenny TD’s constituency office?
6.      If the company “An Taoiseach” is related to either the office of An Taoiseach in this State and or Enda Kenny TD, why is it necessary to register “An Taoiseach” as a company?
7.      The company “An Taoiseach” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office,  the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation .   Why is this?
8.      If the company “An Taoiseach” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
9.      Does the company “An Taoiseach” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
10.  What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “An Taoiseach”?
11.  Who are the registered owners and directors of the company “An Taoiseach”?
12.  Are there any other shareholders in the company “An Taoiseach” and can you name them?
13.  Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “An Taoiseach”?
14.  On what date was the company “An Taoiseach” registered?
15.  Did the company or any other company exist prior to this date which was registered as “An Taoiseach”?
16.  If so, what was the previous registered address of that company?  Who were its owners, directors and shareholders?  Did they have any association with any members of State bodies in this State?
17.  Why is there a separate company registration with Dun & Bradstreet for the “Department of the Taoiseach” with a registered address at Government Buildings, Dublin, IE?
18.  What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “Department of the Taoiseach”?
19.  Why would it be necessary to register a separate company for “An Taoiseach” and the “Department of the Taoiseach”?
20.  The company the “Department of the Taoiseach” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office,  the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation .   Why is this?
21.  If the company the “Department of the Taoiseach” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
22.  Does the company the “Department of the Taoiseach” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
23.  Who are the registered owners and directors of the company the “Department of the Taoiseach”?
24.  Are there any other shareholders in the company the “Department of the Taoiseach” and can you name them?
25.  Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “Department of the Taoiseach”?
26.  Why is there a separate company registration with Dun & Bradstreet for “The Government of Ireland” with a registered address at Government Buildings, Upper Merrion St, Dublin, IE?
27.  What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “Department of the Taoiseach”?
28.  Why would it be necessary to register a separate company for “An Taoiseach” and the “Department of the Taoiseach” and “The Government of Ireland”?
29.  The company the “The Government of Ireland” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office,  the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation .   Why is this?
30.  If the company the “The Government of Ireland” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
31.  Does the company the “The Government of Ireland” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
32.  Who are the registered owners and directors of the company the “The Government of Ireland”?
33.  Are there any other shareholders in the company the “The Government of Ireland” and can you name them?
34.  Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “The Government of Ireland”?
35.  Why is there a separate company registration with Dun & Bradstreet for “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” with registered address at 7 Weafer Street, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford?
36.  What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach”?
37.  Why would it be necessary to register a separate company for “An Taoiseach” and the “Department of the Taoiseach” and “The Government of Ireland” and the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach”?
38.  The company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office,  the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation .   Why is this?
39.  If the company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
40.  Does the company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
41.  Who are the registered owners and directors of the company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach”?
42.  Are there any other shareholders in the company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” and can you name them?
43.  Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach”?
Please can you confirm that you are aware of the registration of companies using the titles of Public Offices of this State and that it is not necessary for me to pursue the matter with the Garda Fraud Squad into private businesses which may be trading fraudulently, purporting to be bodies representing this State?
Please can you confirm that you attended the Turning of the Sovereign Seal ceremony at the Mansion House on January 21st 2013 to receive your license for the use of the sovereign seal of the state of Eire?

Cc: Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach;
Secretary, Department of the Taoiseach;

Is mise le meas

Saturday, January 26, 2013


The Global Smoke Screen

I've read so much over the past ten years about New World Order, secret government, Eugenics, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Rothschilds, Bush's Nazi connections, HAARP, Bohemian Grove, Ruby Ridge, Alex Jones, David Rockefeller, Freemasons, The Templars, Skull and Bones, ...I could keep going for several pages.

I'm sure there's a most amazing bestseller / blockbuster slowly crystallising  in my overloaded melon.

It's been a fascinating, amusing, shocking and worrying education but ultimately I believe the process has changed my understanding of global events, politics, economics and informed me of all the real facts behind the two-minute news pieces on tv, radio and press.

From what I (think I) know now, here is how the whole world works in a nutshell :

The central banks are private companies .... basically printing companies.

The printers create currency from paper and ink.

They sell the paper to the governments - the price being interest.

The governments spend the money (mostly on themselves, their mates and stick a lot of it in pensions for their families).  Some of it is left over to 'run' the country.

They still need to pay interest back so they take about half of the personal income citizens earn from their own labour and pay it over to the printers.

The value of currency is actually the ability of any government's ability to steal more and more of its citizens personal income - without objection.

Why don't we see it? 

Because of the cleverly engineered global smoke screen

X Factor, Manchester United, Brangelina, the Kardashians, JJ Abrams, U2, Posh & Becks, Jenna Jameson, Jersey Shore, Britain's Got Susan Boyle, DreamWorks, Call of Duty, Pilates, Lance Armstrong, Champions League, The Matrix, Twilight, I'm a Celebrity ............. I could go on for several more pages.

still think the whole "One World Government" thing is a conspiracy nut's wet dream?

The Euro was designed to enable Central Banks to seize the assets of the EU in one well orchestrated and planned financial crisis .... leaving the central banks (ECB,IMF) to dictate domestic policy to the governments of every European country.

Similarly the financial/property collapse and mathematically-impossible-to-solve deficit in the US transfers all the wealth of the most powerful nation on Earth into the hands of the bankers.

Do you actually think that the people lending all that credit (imaginary money) for the past two decades had no idea all of this would happen??



There are people who are beginning to see behind the smoke screen.  More and more people worldwide are discovering the truth of how things work.  And talking about it.

We need to change things before they disable our ability to investigate them, to inform ourselves, to communicate between ourselves and to organise ourselves.

Within a few years it may no longer be possible....

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Letter to TDs

Class : ____________________________________________

School :____________________________________________

Dear ______________________________________ TD

We are writing this letter to you because our class is very interested to learn something about politics.  We hear our parents and other grown-ups talking about politics all the time but we are not sure what it is.  It is on the news and on the radio every day and politicians seem to have lots of things to say to the people.

We think that Mr Kenny is in charge of politics in Ireland.  He must be more important than Mr Obama because Mr Kenny gets more money than Mr Obama.

Politicians are always on the telly so we think they must be even as important as Louis Walsh and Father Ted, but they do not make the grown-ups laugh as much as them.  Sometimes the grown-ups get a bit angry when they are talking about politicians and this is not nice.

We would like to ask some questions so that we can understand what everyone is talking about and maybe we can help to make everything better in the country. 

Question 1.
What do you do?

Question 2.
Why did you decide to work in politics?

Question 3.
Can you give 3 examples to show how you personally have improved things for the people in your job?

Question 4.
Some of us would like to work in politics when we are older.  What college did you go to for politics and what grade did you get in your exams?

We are very much looking forward to getting your letter.

Yours sincerely,

Pupils of                                       Class

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Poverty Tax

The property tax is a farce. It is another bull shit the  parking levy.  What fucking genius thought that one up?  And why do we need to pay for parking on the street when we're already paying a parking levy?  How many PAYE workers pay the parking levy but actually don't own a car...?  Farce.

It is NOT a property tax. It is a poverty tax.  It is a direct PAYE tax on people's homes. What about all the PROPERTY lying idle all over the country ... office blocks, apartment blocks and empty housing estates, that the bankster developer mafia financed fraudulently, knowing it could never be paid back, and now the ordinary man in the street, who BENEFITTED NOT ONE JOT from their celtic tiger, has been handed the bill to cover THEIR losses!!???

You have to admit ... the scam is simple and quite brilliant - pretty impressive really. 

An 'investor' (someone who gambles with peoples lives for a living ) borrows 50 million from a bank. Now, the money doesn't actually exist, but the bank writes it on their books anyway.  The investor takes his 50 million, and gives 30 to a 'developer', to build some piece of shit office block or apartment block.  The 'developer' pays the 'builder' 15 million, who then builds something for 10 million, that is only worth 5.

The government, collecting more money than they know what to do with during the construction boom, through income tax, VAT, corporation tax, Relevant Contracts Tax, and not forgetting brown envelopes, skim a nice piece off the top for themselves, securing it in iron clad salaries and pension contracts, covering their asses by giving a percentage to the top civil servants and their union leader buddies. Meanwhile the health service, education system, armed forces, garda siochana, and loads of other saps, think that there's money in the kitty for the next 50 years, and soon they'll get theirs so they're happy......  dumb-asses!!

Now the building is finished, but stands empty. The prospective tenants have either gone out of business, or no longer have the income to pay the rent. So The bank loaned 50 million for a building that's now worth 2. The bank aren't gonna get their money back. and the government can't admit the truth cos they're balls deep in the shit. They decide to prop up the house of cards, by underwriting the imaginary money that was loaned to the gambler, ... taxing the people who can't afford the empty apartments that aren't fit for habitation anyway (Priory Hall).

So the investor, (who still has 20 million in his back pocket), plays golf with the developer, (who has 15 million), then they all go to dinner with the builder, who pocketed 5 million, and probably took a load of creditors for another 5, and the politician who gets quarter of a million a year salary, and quarter of a million a year pension, and has the brass neck to claim the dinner on his expenses.

Meanwhile people are dying in supermarket doorways, pensioners are dying of hypothermia because they had to decide between food or fuel, teenage girls are committing suicide because the whole notion of community died somewhere in the stampede for second homes and the latest mobile phone, our wages are going to private individuals under an extortion racket run by the 'Troika' (sounds suitably fascist) instead of being used to pay for public services for the people.

Tell me ..... Why the fuck am I paying for some crooked fat cats poxy office block??? ......Why is MY house, worth more than their soon-to-be-derelict white elephants????? .........IRISH PEOPLE WERE SHAFTED ...... PLAIN AND SIMPLE !!!! 



Give me 1 good reason why we can't..................

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What value a politician ?

In Ireland we have a very proud opinion of our education - i hesitate to add the word system - but we generally regard ourselves an educated, informed, literate, intellectual people.  A nation of poet-philosophers.  A copped-on lot.

We spend somewhere between twelve and eighteen years in school and college getting mentally and technically equipped to go out into the world to make our mark or at least find a good life for ourselves and our eventual families.

When we leave the safety of the classroom and are pitted against each other to fight for role, position, rank and function in the waged world, we generally begin working life with pay, and maybe benefits, relative to our education, experience and skill set.

Progression thereafter depends of our performance and other factors not in our control.

Our worth to our employer and our earning power is reflected in what we add to the business, what we do to improve things either internally in the business operations or externally in the market place where the company's products or services compete vigorously for market share and profits.  Often this requires ongoing training as we try to maintain our competitive edge and keep apace with technology and other developments.

Hang on though  !!

Why get on that treadmill ?

Why join the lemmings in the lose-lose rat race ?

Why not just go into politics ?

What skills do yo need ?  What qualifications do you need ?  What experience do you need ?  What do you actually have to DO ?

Take our taoiseach, the right horrible Mr Enda Kenny.  I use this phrase quite deliberately because like the dinosaurs in the UK's House of Lords, Mr Kenny pretty much inherited his position from his father.  He trained as a school teacher, has been a TD since 1975 and is currently the longest serving member of Dail Eireann - the Grand Old Man of Leinster House.

Where did he learn his politics ?  What makes him the best man for the job ?  How did he get to the top ?  What has he done before becoming taoiseach ?  What value has he added to either the internal operations of the political system or the external market place - the State and its citizens or the State as an International entity ?

As reported by Jack Quann in the Irish Independent January 2nd 2013:

"The Taoiseach Enda Kenny is the 3rd best-paid leader in the European Union (EU).
Mr. Kenny who cut his salary by €14,000 to €200,000 a year on taking office is still paid more than the vast majority of EU leaders.
German Chancellor Angela Merckel and the Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Junker are the only leaders to be paid more.
They earn €250,000 and €210,000 each.
Less than the US President
The Irish Independent says the French president Francois Hollande is paid €179,000, British Prime Minister David Cameron is paid €172,000 and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is paid just €75,000.
While the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has given up his entire salary.
Mr. Kenny is still being paid more than leaders of several non-bailout nations such as the Netherlands, Finland and Poland.
However Mr Kenny is earning less than the US President Barack Obama.
He is currently on a salary of €303,000."

What does Ireland get for this salary ?  What exactly is Enda Kenny being compensated for that merits this salary ?  What great knowledge does he bring to his position as leader of our country?  What skill set?   What experience ?  What track record ?  What brilliant intellect ?  What negotiation skills ?  What marketing skills ?  What vision ?

Why is he worth € 300,000 a year ?

He's not.

And he's not worth the pension that will be handed to him upon retirement.

Ordinary people have to EARN their wages, and have to EARN their pensions.  But politicians WIN their salaries and pensions in the reality-tv contest which is the General Election - a farcical pretense at democracy which should be renamed The Biggest Liar ... I mean even Pat Rabbitte agrees with that.

No politician in Ireland EARNS the salaries and pensions they steal from the homeless, the sick, the elderly, the young, the home-owner, PAYE worker and the self employed .... wait a minute.... THAT'S THE WHOLE COUNTRY!!

No Fianna Fail TD of the past twenty years added one cent of value to the lives of the citizens of this country and yet they claim ENTITLEMENT to pensions worth more in a single year than many people in their thirties and now on the dole will ever earn in the remainder of their working lives.

Politicians need to justify their wages ..... every other person in the country has to !!

There are more than 100,000 people on the dole today with more knowledge, experience, skill, track record and more bollox to do the job of Taoiseach than Enda Kenny.

If Enda Kenny had the skills, experience, knowledge and ability to legitimately earn a salary of €300,000 a year he would be the board of Goldman Sachs.

Enda Kenny couldn't get a job in the mail room at Goldman Sachs.

Come on, people ... TAKE THE POWER BACK!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


We have natural resources of natural gas and oil valued at 540 billion euro.

Step 1.  Sell them for 500 billion worth of GOLD.  
            ( Buyer makes 40 billion euro profit ... nice days work )

Step 2.  We dump Europe, print PUNT again and back it with the value of our GOLD.

Any questions?..........

I tweeted this idea to Constantin Gurdjiev.
His reply:
Constantin Gurdgiev ‏@GTCost
@DrumStig Get that buyer in first...

....well I consider that an endorsement!!
If the only problem is to find a buyer then someone call China and/or George Soros.

Game Over.

Chinese are in the market for oil and natural gas to power their economy aren't they ..... surely Soros and his mates would be interested in brokering some deal...??

sell resources for gold...print our own money .... value it 1:1 with euro as of day 1 ..... walk away from europe and let the markets regulate the value of our currency after that.

We'd end up with the only paper currency in the world ACTUALLY WORTH SOMETHING!!

The Emerald Fist

The Emerald Fist