Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So, Ireland...... What Happens Now?

Human beings need 3 things to survive.

Food, (warm) Shelter and Water.

These are basic needs, basic rights.

Even having only two out of the three will eventually result in death.

In 21st Century Ireland most people have at least some access to these.

But many have to choose between them.

Some will eat but live without shelter.  Shelter, in and of itself, is worthless if it does not come with a minimum amount of heat.... even with a full belly and a roof over your head you can still freeze to death.  Families with young children, and elderly people, living with partners or alone, are in a daily struggle to survive as they make daily choices between food and heat.  They are literally juggling with their lives in a struggle to SURVIVE!

Like our grandparents who came through World War II, our cupboards have bread, butter, milk, some tinned food, maybe fresh vegetables and not much more.  After the gluttony of the tiger years, our overstretched bellies feel even more empty.  Our parents and grandparents must be bewildered at the irony.
We hear of children going to school hungry, practically begging from their classmates for something to eat for lunch.  In March 2013, Barack Obama signed into US law a piece of legislation that literally means that federal courts cannot intervene and halt biotech companies from planting and selling GMO goods to the public, even if testing proves them to be potentially hazardous to the greater public. So Monsanto, through its control of agricultural production, will become the monopoly power in the world's food supply chain.
That's food controlled.

Neither do we have rights when it comes to our shelters.  We are tenants in our fraudulently financed houses.  The fraud is not ours.  It is the bankers', who knew exactly what they were doing by engineering the financial takeover of our country.  Unable to pay mortgages we will be thrown on the street, while the government will stand by claiming that they are powerless to do anything.  In 2013 we are hearing that "repossessions" - actually EVICTIONS! - will become a daily reality for many families across the land.  Our homes, our businesses, our farms, even the land upon which we have sovereign rights to natural resources like oil, gas, and even turf ... none of it is ours.  It is owned by finance houses, banks, and a State willing to sign off these to foreign interests in return for unknown compensation ... none of which reaches the people.
That's shelter controlled.

What happened to Ireland?  We were a colony of an empire less than a hundred years ago, tenants of absentee landlords, subjects of the crown.  We took the power back and for almost a century managed to drag ourselves from a third world country destroyed by famine to the heights of modern technology and development.  Then in the blink of an eye, in a blind, desperate, thoughtless act of desperation because we realized we actually have no control, we sold the country back to  absentee landlords, paying them in periodic installments of billions for the right to stay in our shelters.  I would say "handed" back but I believe, and facts do not contradict this, that the Dail has been handsomely rewarded for their treachery.

             “Bankers own the earth; take it away from them but leave them with the power to create credit; and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again... If you want to be slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the bankers control money and control credit.”
               - Sir Josiah Stamp, Director, Bank of England, 1940.

              “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws."
                                      - Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

Are we actually incapable of governing ourselves? Certainly the Irish people seem to have no interest in who governs them, unlike the French, Greeks, Spanish, Italians an Icelanders.  I suppose we get what we deserve.

At least water is free.

Oh wait ... didn't Enda Kenny put Phil Hogan in to take care of that little loophole...... ah they think of everything, the parasites. 

In the Netherlands, Queen Beatrice - a top table member of the Bilderberg Group - is abdicating her position and will hand the crown to her son, William, who "prince passes his time with ‘global water-management’ for the UN. And even in this apparently innocent day job, the prince can hardly refrain from pushing global governance. It’s in his blood, you might say. In a document prepared by the prince for the Johannesburg Summit, he states:
The most important area of global governance with a substantial potential impact on the water sector is the system of international trade.”

Dennis O'Brien, (a Bilderberg attendee) who came to prominence when Michael Lowry handed him the license for mobile phone operations in the country, is one of the people vying for the license to instal the household water meters.  Now we can pretty easily believe that Michael Lowry didn't sell his signature cheap .... Do we think Phil Hogan, the man with pen-at-the-ready to allocate the water meter license, wouldn't put a handsome price on his own signature?? 
So pretty soon that will be water controlled.

Food, Shelter, Water.........

We are  no longer free to live.

We are not free human beings.

We are controlled beings - with our rights rationed according to an elite class who hold power.

We are not governed by ourselves or even our own government.

So I ask you, Ireland ....... what happens now?

    "And the men who hold high places
    Must be the ones who start
    To mould a new reality
    Closer to the Heart"
            from A Farewell to Kings - RUSH - 1977

Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 10:43pm ·

Here's a suggestion.....

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