Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letter to An Taoiseach, the Department of the Taoiseach and the Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach


An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD
Department of the Taoiseach
Government Buildings
Upper Merrion St
Dublin 2

22 January 2013

I, __________________________, a sovereign citizen of Eire, would be grateful to have the following information in relation to matters which may be of interest to the citizens of this State.
Dun & Bradstreet is a public company headquartered in New Jersey, USA that licenses information on businesses and corporations for use in credit decisions, business-to-business marketing and supply chain management.  The company maintains information on more than 205 million companies worldwide. 
Please can you clarify in as clear and comprehensive manner as possible the issues raised in the following questions:
1.      Can you explain why there are companies registered with Dun & Bradstreet using the titles of Public Offices of this State?
2.      Why is there a company registered with Dun & Bradstreet called “An Taoiseach” with a registered address at Hawthorn Avenue, Castlebar, Co Mayo.  
3.      What relation does the company “An Taoiseach” have to the office of Taoiseach in this State?
4.      What relation does the company “An Taoiseach” have to Enda Kenny TD?
5.      Why is the registered address of the company “An Taoiseach” the same address as Enda Kenny TD’s constituency office?
6.      If the company “An Taoiseach” is related to either the office of An Taoiseach in this State and or Enda Kenny TD, why is it necessary to register “An Taoiseach” as a company?
7.      The company “An Taoiseach” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office,  the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation .   Why is this?
8.      If the company “An Taoiseach” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
9.      Does the company “An Taoiseach” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
10.  What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “An Taoiseach”?
11.  Who are the registered owners and directors of the company “An Taoiseach”?
12.  Are there any other shareholders in the company “An Taoiseach” and can you name them?
13.  Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “An Taoiseach”?
14.  On what date was the company “An Taoiseach” registered?
15.  Did the company or any other company exist prior to this date which was registered as “An Taoiseach”?
16.  If so, what was the previous registered address of that company?  Who were its owners, directors and shareholders?  Did they have any association with any members of State bodies in this State?
17.  Why is there a separate company registration with Dun & Bradstreet for the “Department of the Taoiseach” with a registered address at Government Buildings, Dublin, IE?
18.  What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “Department of the Taoiseach”?
19.  Why would it be necessary to register a separate company for “An Taoiseach” and the “Department of the Taoiseach”?
20.  The company the “Department of the Taoiseach” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office,  the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation .   Why is this?
21.  If the company the “Department of the Taoiseach” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
22.  Does the company the “Department of the Taoiseach” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
23.  Who are the registered owners and directors of the company the “Department of the Taoiseach”?
24.  Are there any other shareholders in the company the “Department of the Taoiseach” and can you name them?
25.  Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “Department of the Taoiseach”?
26.  Why is there a separate company registration with Dun & Bradstreet for “The Government of Ireland” with a registered address at Government Buildings, Upper Merrion St, Dublin, IE?
27.  What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “Department of the Taoiseach”?
28.  Why would it be necessary to register a separate company for “An Taoiseach” and the “Department of the Taoiseach” and “The Government of Ireland”?
29.  The company the “The Government of Ireland” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office,  the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation .   Why is this?
30.  If the company the “The Government of Ireland” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
31.  Does the company the “The Government of Ireland” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
32.  Who are the registered owners and directors of the company the “The Government of Ireland”?
33.  Are there any other shareholders in the company the “The Government of Ireland” and can you name them?
34.  Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “The Government of Ireland”?
35.  Why is there a separate company registration with Dun & Bradstreet for “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” with registered address at 7 Weafer Street, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford?
36.  What is the commercial nature of the business trading as “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach”?
37.  Why would it be necessary to register a separate company for “An Taoiseach” and the “Department of the Taoiseach” and “The Government of Ireland” and the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach”?
38.  The company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” does NOT appear in a search of the database of the Companies Registration Office,  the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation .   Why is this?
39.  If the company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” is not registered in Ireland, in what country is it registered and why?
40.  Does the company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” file any returns or pay any tax in Ireland?
41.  Who are the registered owners and directors of the company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach”?
42.  Are there any other shareholders in the company the “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach” and can you name them?
43.  Can you confirm what other members of the Oireachtas, Government Departments, State Agencies and other Public Offices are associated with the company “Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach”?
Please can you confirm that you are aware of the registration of companies using the titles of Public Offices of this State and that it is not necessary for me to pursue the matter with the Garda Fraud Squad into private businesses which may be trading fraudulently, purporting to be bodies representing this State?
Please can you confirm that you attended the Turning of the Sovereign Seal ceremony at the Mansion House on January 21st 2013 to receive your license for the use of the sovereign seal of the state of Eire?

Cc: Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach;
Secretary, Department of the Taoiseach;

Is mise le meas


  1. Acknowledgement of receipt of letter received Fri 8 Feb. No answers.

  2. excellent and so constructive best of luck with it and keep us updated please

  3. I attached this letter to the email I sent yesterday regarding the single parent tax credit
    I got a response this morning:
    Dear Mr. Madden

    I wish to acknowledge receipt of your email of 16 October, 2013 which will be brought to the Taoiseach's attention as soon as possible.

    Yours sincerely,

    David King
    Assistant Private Secretary
    to the Taoiseach

    and I replied:
    Dear Mr King

    Thank you for your reply. I received a letter of acknowledgement to the letter which was originally sent on January 22nd promising that my questions would be addressed ... So you can imagine that I am not holding my breath for a reply to my email!

    Paul Madden

  4. Typical of how E,Kenny and FG conduct themselves in power over these past five years, ignore their electorate

  5. Typical of how E,Kenny and FG conduct themselves in power over these past five years, ignore their electorate


The Emerald Fist

The Emerald Fist