Friday, January 25, 2013

A Letter to TDs

Class : ____________________________________________

School :____________________________________________

Dear ______________________________________ TD

We are writing this letter to you because our class is very interested to learn something about politics.  We hear our parents and other grown-ups talking about politics all the time but we are not sure what it is.  It is on the news and on the radio every day and politicians seem to have lots of things to say to the people.

We think that Mr Kenny is in charge of politics in Ireland.  He must be more important than Mr Obama because Mr Kenny gets more money than Mr Obama.

Politicians are always on the telly so we think they must be even as important as Louis Walsh and Father Ted, but they do not make the grown-ups laugh as much as them.  Sometimes the grown-ups get a bit angry when they are talking about politicians and this is not nice.

We would like to ask some questions so that we can understand what everyone is talking about and maybe we can help to make everything better in the country. 

Question 1.
What do you do?

Question 2.
Why did you decide to work in politics?

Question 3.
Can you give 3 examples to show how you personally have improved things for the people in your job?

Question 4.
Some of us would like to work in politics when we are older.  What college did you go to for politics and what grade did you get in your exams?

We are very much looking forward to getting your letter.

Yours sincerely,

Pupils of                                       Class

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